ABYC stands for American Boat and Yacht council and the NMEA stands for National Marine Electronics Association, both of this organizations are here today to normalize the production of new boats and to certify technician to standardize repairs.
Why is necessary?
Every Boat is different, once it leaves the factory each owner usually customizes it for his/hers needs. However, it is extremely important that the modifications be done by an ABYC/NMEA certified professional so the Electrical standards this organizations develop will remain the same while the vessel is traveling between ports.

So…when the vessel travels from A port to a B port and a technician is called to diagnose a problem, he will be able to start right away on the fix instead of spending the time to decipher what the last technician did. The results benefit all in the industry, the owners enjoy less down time and safer boating, and the technician will not expose themselves to hazards due to bad practices.
Many time I have found that getting professionals costs less than hiring amateurs, who do you trust your boat with?
Call us today to schedule a professional!